What a week! This wonderful patient traveled from afar for same-day dentistry. What you are seeing was completed in two days in Nashville after weeks of planning with my team. The objective: Create a beautiful, functional smile that would allow her to enjoy proper proportions without the need for extensive surgery and implants.
A digital design was created, printed, adjusted and used as the template.
Day 1: Restore the lower teeth to function properly with the proposed upper. Preps in the morning, seat in the afternoon.
Day 2: prepare the upper teeth in the morning, seat in the afternoon.
Day 3: deliver her guard, check function and bite, then celebrate together!
My smileonnashville team in conjunction with innovationlaab pulled this off so well and we’re so excited to have changed another life. This young lady is TOUGH as nails, and we look forward to it witnessing all the success that awaits her.
Smile On!